Now that I'm all grown up, three years of student work gets relegated to one page, so welcome to the highlight real I guess?
Student campaign by a writer for a writing utensil. Is it too predictable? Probably. Overdone? Maybe. But tell me it doesn't fire you up. CW/Director/Editor: Me; AD: Sofia Gonzales (super talented, very kind)
Marshmallows in a nutcracker and coffee coming out of pistachios? Three years later and I still think this was an awesome way to tell the world that sold more than just nuts. If you disagree you can talk to my disembodied hand. CW/Editor: Me; AD/DP: Charlie Hilger (also very talented and kind)
The goal with this campaign was to position Swedish Fish as the candy for adults that didn't quite feel grown up. I don't think this gets that message through clearly or makes people particularly hungry for Swedish Fish, but dang it I put on the costume and made a fool of myself so you better believe it's staying in the book. CW/The Swedish Fish/Editor: Me; AD: Brigitte McDonald (I only ever work with talented and kind people)
D&AD and Penguin weren't impressed by us ripping books apart, but tell me that isn't a wildly captivating case study. Oh and Andrew did half the writing and all the art direction/animation/editing? What a multi-talented, handsome young man. Hire me for the work, keep me for the case studies. CW: Claire Tichy (extra very talented, super duper kind)

There's more student work that could have conceivably made the cut, but here's to killing your darlings.
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